Iwatani Industrial Gas Indonesia

"Become a person needed by society, as those needed by society can prosper"
Naoji Iwatani (1903-2005)

A.S.U Plant Karawang

Cryogenic Air Separation Unit

Air from the atmosphere is the raw material used in this cryogenic (very low temperature) air separation plant. Atmospheric air is purified and then separated into the products of an air separation unit. These products may be nitrogen, oxygen, and argon in gaseous and/or liquid form depending on the plant design and the needs of the customer Iwatani

Product List

Liquifed Gas

Liquid Oxigen
Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid Argon
Liquid Carbon Dioksida

Refrigerant Gas


Cilynder Gas

Carbon Dioksida

Other Gas Industry

Ammonia (NH3)
Acetylene (C2H2)
Helium (He)
Laser gas
Various standard gas
Zero span gas

Mixed Gas

Ar+O2, etc

Air separation plant separates atmospheric air into its primary components, typically nitrogen and oxygen, and sometimes also argon and other rare inert gases.

Other Product


Wire Welding

Welding is one of the most widely used metal joining methods in large, small and medium-sized industrial applications. Welding machines use electrodes that are heated and melted so that they melt and join two metals. Welding machine consists of various important components, one of which is welding wire.
Welding wire is a type of material used to perform electric welding which functions as a burner which will cause an arc of flame. We sell various kinds of quality welding wire.


Yaskawa Robotic 


Arc welding. Over three decades, Yaskawa Motoman has developed more welding robots, sensors, software and positioners than any. Our welding process knowledge and path control leads the industry - resulting in expert support and robotic welding technology that tackles your biggest challenges.


Welding Machine and Other

Next generation digital inverter welding machine, that is Equipped with the first LSI Welbee chip welding control in the industry for precise welding control, can make it a significant increase in welding performance.

Our Contacts


Iwatani Plant Karawang
Jl. Maligi, KIIC Lot A-12 Teluk Jambe, Karawang Barat.
Jawa Barat, Indonesia 41361

Iwatani Corporation (Tokyo Head Office)
Address 21-8, Nishi-Shinbashi 3-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 105-8458, Japan


+62-21-890 4310



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